At Boswinkel & Partners we specialize in Total Quality Management, consultancy, training and interim management. We offer customized solutions for entrepreneurs and organizations that strive for improvement and growth.
Do you want to optimize your business processes and increase customer satisfaction? We help you with a practical and results-oriented approach to quality management. By implementing more efficient processes, we support your organization in realizing better performance and sustainable growth.
Our consultancy services focus on improving your business results. With strategic advice tailored to your specific goals, we help companies to grow and remain successful, especially in the South of the Netherlands. Together we analyze your business processes and develop a plan for further optimization.
We also make an impact in education. We offer guidance to students in both regular and commercial higher professional education, preparing future professionals for a successful career. With our in-depth knowledge of the business world, we help them face the challenges of tomorrow.
Is your organization facing a major change? Our team guides you through complex change processes and ensures a smooth transition. Whether it is a complete corporate restructuring or minor adjustments, we ensure that your organization can adapt quickly and effectively.
With years of experience in quality management and business optimization, we have a proven track record. Our solutions are always tailor-made and tailored to the unique needs of your organization. We focus on measurable results and have in-depth knowledge of the regional market in the South of the Netherlands.
Ready for the next step in your business growth? Contact us and discover how we can transform your business operations with our expert guidance.
Ken je de parabel van de aap en de banaan? In een kooi met apen wordt een banaan opgehangen, maar telkens als een aap de trap beklimt, worden alle apen natgespoten. Na verloop van tijd is geen enkele aap nog bereid de trap te beklimmen, ook al wordt er geen water meer gebruikt. Dit verhaal illustreert hoe gewoontes in organisaties ontstaan – en waarom het soms zo moeilijk is om processen te veranderen.
Zorg in beweging: uitdagingen en kansen in 2025
De zorg in Nederland staat onder druk. Dit blijkt onder meer uit de stijgende tarieven van de basiszorgverzekering voor 2025. Maar hoe komt het dat zorg steeds duurder wordt?
Het zet ons aan het denken. Moet elke beperking en pijn altijd volledig worden opgelost, ongeacht de kosten? Een bredere acceptatie van imperfectie kan wellicht bijdragen aan betaalbare zorg.
Website ontwerp en realisatie: SIER Activiteiten